Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday--In Bloom


tina said...

Looking a lot like spring-and what a lovely blue sky! Have fun today!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blooms and spectacular blue sky.

Susie said...

Is that a Bradford pear? So pretty when they bloom but do they ever sink!?!?

Brenda Pruitt said...

Oh yes, I was out wandering the neighborhood this morning discovering fresh blooms. Rejoicing in the trees with their pretty blossoms and new beginnings.

Meadowview Thymes said...

Hello everyone!
Glad you all liked the "spring is on the way" pictures. Susie, it is a Bradford Pear..and you are so right--the smell is not great!
We are in the middle of new countertops in the kitchen..what a mess! Be back posting in a few days!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful against that blue sky!