Don't you just just Hyacinths! I only have a few, but goodness they make my entire little backyard smell wonderful..and they are such pretty flowers!
I chilled mine in the frig along with the tulips for about 6 weeks. They were the first bulb I saw start to appear in early February.

Practically the minute they start to come up you see the buds-so many of them! I love to watch each bud open until you have a beautiful flower.

I have 2 different colors; purple and this light pink. The pink is so much more bushy than the purple. After reading my bulb book, I discovered that hyacinths are one of the easiest bulbs to force inside. They even have special forcing glasses just for hyacinths. You know how I love to force blooms inside, so it is already in my notes for next year to try these. The only thing, I'm not sure about is that sweet scent. I love, love it outside-but will it be overpowering inside?

I have grape hyacinths in front mixed in with the pansies, but they do not bloom until much later for some reason. It is a real pleasure to walk out the back door and see the pretty showing of these hyacinth bulbs and smell that sweet scent. Another reminder that spring is on the way!
"It is a greater act of faith to plant a bulb than to plant a tree!"
Clare Leighton
Linda .. I just TOLD Cindee to go get that moon face and there you were with the same thought too ! That is hilarious .. now we have to wait and see if she does do what we TOLD her to do ? LOL
I bought a little pot with three hyacinths just budding out, at Wal-Mart .. I love the smell too .. nothing quite like it .. and it is like having a little pot of Spring here in the kitchen : )
Too funny Joy! Ok Cindee--better go get that moon face and post a picture for Joy and I!! :)
So Joy, the scent inside is ok with you? I was afraid it might be too strong. I have got to force some of these next year!
You know, I've never grown hyacinths, but I just love the purple color. If they are like paper whites, a few goes a long way inside when it comes to scenting your home!
Looking good Linda. You are so far ahead of my garden. My hyacinths are only now peaking out above ground. I love these guys. I'll give hyacinths a try next year with forcing. No luck this year with the crocuses I tried:( They look nice next to the daffodils. Won't be long now and it'll be time to open the pool and put on your sunglasses.
I love the scent of Hyacinths and intend to try forcing some indoors myself next year. There are a few in my garden that have been coming up for many years now. They really do speak spring. :)
I know I've planted that this year. And I don't see blooms yet. The tulips don't have blooms either. Maybe I should have done the same thing you did. That, or mine are just going to bloom later. I love the flower it forms. So delicate and lacy-looking.
Nola, you are right about the paperwhites, that's why I'm not sure about hyacinths--but..I've just got to try it! I love forcing things inside in winter!
Tina, I have hyacinths, daffodils and tulips up and blooming! It is cold today, but we have had alot of spring like weather already. Yea!!
Racquel, you brought up a question I have had....and you answered it! Hyacinths come back like the daffs I guess..tulips do not and many think they are not worth the trouble. Glad to hear I can see the hyacinths again!
Brenda, my tulips are up and blooming too. I think that chill I do makes all the difference. We just don't have cold weather to set these bulbs off...so I fool them in the frig! :)
I love the fragrance of hyacinths. I haven't grown these in years. Maybe I'll try to find some to force inside next year.
Hi Susie-I hope you are feeling better!
I love hyacinths too. I have only grown the little grape hyacinths outside-first time for the regular size--and I have not been disappointed! I'll try some inside next year too!
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