Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring at the Arboretum

Wednesday was the most beautiful spring day you have ever seen (I know, it's not spring on the calendar yet!) And what could make it better than a trip to Spring Blooms at the Dallas Arboretum. The Arboretum is celebrating it's 25th anniversary. So of course, they have a flower cake to celebrate. Sorry this view is from the back-too many people in front for me to take a picture!
The theme this year is storybook playhouses. Can you guess what story this house is from??
The trial gardens are always beautiful and interesting. You will see varieties of flowers here you never see at garden centers.
There was a daffodil or two..
...and a few pansies and violas.
The azaleas are just starting to bloom.

This variety is appro-
priately called

Can you find the one pink flower among all the white?
And of course the Texas drought tolerant garden with cactus and bluebonnets.

But the star of the show..oh my goodness..were the Tulips! Every color you can imagine were here and at their peak. Just stroll through and no matter what the weather is like right now where you live, you will feel spring!

"The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth."
Dorothy Frances Gurney

Happy Spring everyone!


tina said...

Awesome cake and tulips! It looks so great. Gee, I wish my house garden could be somewhere close. Thanks for the wonderful spring pictures this morning. Just gorgeous. I also liked your opening-the most awesome spring day ever!

Meadowview Thymes said...

Good morning Tina (boy you get up early!) :)
Glad you enjoyed the pictures. We are all so ready for it to be spring..thought I would send my spring wishes a day early!

Susie said...

Oh Linda that is just gorgeous! I wish I could go to that arboretum! Those blooms are just incredible! You must of enjoyed yourself immensely.

Meadowview Thymes said...

Susie, you come to Dallas sometime and we are going to the Arboretum! You would love it!
It was gorgeous! Mother and I always say it is what heaven will look like! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE your pictures. I'm trying to figure out how I can get back out to the Arboretum this week and still take care of the stuff I'm supposed to take care of :-) I don't know about y'all, but I thought the tulips were even more spectacular this year than last year.

marmee said...

so beautiful! what a great way to spend a "spring" day. i love seeing so many blooms this morning. thank you.

Balisha said...

Thanks for posting this bit of spring for us today. I love the flower cake....I hope heaven looks like this.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I love the yellow and pale pink tulips together. My husband said he went there during one of his visits. I usually choose to stay home with the critters. But I need to go there one of these days and inhale that beauty to bring home!

Meadowview Thymes said...

jj--I think visits to the Arboretum are all about timing. The tulips were indeed beautiful this year, but I think they are at peak which makes them spetacular!
I'm with you--this has been a busy spring break for me. I need another week! :)

You are welcome Marmee--I was hoping to bring some spring to everyone today! :)

Balisha-I would like to see the cake in full bloom. It had only started to bloom. If I go back soon, I'll take a picture for you.
Yes, heaven for me will be gardens!

Brenda, if you ever get the chance to come with hubby, email me and I will take you to the Arboretum if I can. It is a wonderful place to visit!

Anonymous said...

Your Arboretum is beautiful in the spring Linda. I really need to visit our Botanical Gardens when the Azaleas are in full bloom.

Aunt Debbi/kurts mom said...

Linda, I have got to try to get out there next week. Everything looks beautiful.

Meadowview Thymes said...

If you go to your Arboretum Racquel--be sure and post pictures! I would love to visit it in pictures! :)

Debbi--try and go soon for the tulips. They are at their peak, and I heard they expect the azeleas to be in full bloom in a week.

Nola said...

The photo of the agaves with the bluebonnets all around is stunning! You should repost it as large as you can, so the bb's show up really well! I haven't been to the Arb in ages, it looks like it would be worth the trip!

misterreereeder said...

Can always count on you and JJ to enjoy the Arboretum (and share it). Thanks for the great pics.

Meadowview Thymes said...

Nola-- you, Brenda and Debbi need to come to Dallas some Saturday and we can meet at the Arboretum!
Brenda and Debbi--how about it??
Wish I knew more about photography so I could capture the bluebonnets better...but watch for my post probably tomorrow. I will have some of my own to show you! :)

mr--you are right! JJ and I love that Arboretum!

Jan said...

Hi Linda,
These gardens are absolutely breathtaking! I was going to comment on some of the first few photos but then I got to the tulips and I was overwhelmed with beauty! The whole place is amazing. I have relatives in Paris, TX...if I ever visit I'll keep the Arboretum in mind;-) I've only been the once before-my aunt died a couple of yrs ago so only my uncle is there now; cousins are still in TX but we really aren't that close anymore:-( so I probably won't be out there again...
Is the little house from Hansel & Gretel?

Meadowview Thymes said...

Hi Jan!! Glad you liked the Arboretum and yes, do go there one day. It's really pretty-all year long. You guessed it! Hansel and Gretel! This little cottage is always there, but the others are there just for Spring Blooms.

Also Jan, thanks so much for your comment about my son. You understand what that 5 year mark means I know. I praise God everyday for healing!
So glad you stopped in--hope you'll come back! :)