Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - It's Thyme!


tina said...

It is indeed! Though we have rain here so it is looking like an inside garden thyme:)

Meadowview Thymes said...

Tina, that rain is really going to make it "garden thyme" when it's over. I love spring rains--it makes everything so lush and green.
Have a good day!

Susie said...

Cute sign Linda and so true! We've got one of those spring rains going on this a.m. Or maybe I should call it a spring flood. It's been pouring!

Nola said...

I trotted out after the rain yesterday to see if any seedling had emerged, they had, but unfortunately, so had tons of weeds! Wow, I'll be weeding for the next week or two!

Brenda Pruitt said...

Yup, its time/thyme. And mine is growing like crazy. I need a cute little sign like yours. I like the vertical garden decor. Elevates the eye.

Meadowview Thymes said...

Susie- the rain started about 3 hours ago and it is raining like crazy here! I hear we are in for it all night. Good for the plants, but I went through high water on the way home from work. Plus, my bluebonnets are really droopy from so much hard rain!

Nola, spring rain is one of those good news/bad news things. It make EVERTHING grow including weeds. We do need the rain though!

Brenda, I got that little sign at a garden shop that went out of business. Seems like lots of neat shops are going out of business these days! So sad..

Anonymous said...

It's about "thyme" for the rain and cold weather to let up over here as I am so ready to get back into gardening! Cute sign. :)

Meadowview Thymes said...

Thanks Cynthia! Hope the cold weather leaves your area soon and you can welcome warm gardening days! Thanks for stopping by! :)

Anonymous said...

That's a charming little spot! Thanks for the heads up on trying lupines in my garden as a substitute for bluebonnets! I didn't know they were so closely related.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is Linda! :) An appropriate sign for the season.

Meadowview Thymes said...

msrobin--you are welcome!! Let me know how it works. I bet you will have beautiful flowers!

Racquel--yea! Our garden thyme is finally here! :)

CiNdEe's GaRdEn said...

Great sign! It is that time of year here for me too!!!(-: I worked outside and did some cleaning up. Hopefully soon I will get that all done! We could use rain here but none in the forcast!

Meadowview Thymes said...

Cindee, glad you like the sign. You have such talent, I bet you could make one! We had good rain yesterday and it's in the forecast for the next 2 days---a cold front is moving in and they say the temps will get in the 30's! Grrrr! :)