Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday--Poppies!


Susie said...

These are gorgeous! Is this the only color you have growing? The poppies are selling wonderfully at work right now.

tina said...

Whenever I see these, I think veterans. Something from my childhood when the VFW would always give them away this time of year. They are pretty. I wish I could grow them here-not enough sun. Have a great day.

Meadowview Thymes said...

Susie, the plants I have are mixed colors..but this red is my favorite (of know me and my red!) :)

Tina.."In Flanders Field the Poppies blow, between the crosses row on row.." This is one of my favorite poems, and yes, it always reminds me of veterans and how thankful I am for all of you!!

Anonymous said...

WOW - this are beautiful!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I think that may be what I've planted out back and forgotten the name of!

Meadowview Thymes said...

Thanks JJ!

Brenda, these are Iceland Poppies--but there are several different kinds of poppies. I have California in back, but they look really sad.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty shade of red! I love poppies but they never seem to reseed in my garden. Too much mulch I guess. ;)

Meadowview Thymes said...

Racquel--I think you are right on the reseeding thought. I went to a class on wildflowers, and they said you cannot have mulch--wildflower seeds need to touch the earth. It's hard not to spread good mulch around though. Helps keep out those weeds!