At this time of year, when there is not much blooming , it is so nice to look out and enjoy lovely golden color in the garden. I have two plants that have nice foliage in summer, but fall is when they really put on a show. The first is this Mexican Mint Marigold, or as we call it here..Texas Tarragon. We can't grow French Tarragon here in Texas, but this herb gives us a great substitute (it is wonderful in chicken salad!) for cooking. However, the biggest wow factor to me is the reliable fall color. It starts blooming around the end of October and continues until frost.

The other plant that I am completely in love with is Copper Canyon Daisy. Sometimes it blooms a little in spring, but fall is really showtime. This plant can get pretty big, but I keep it cut back some in summer just making sure I don't do any pruning after the middle of July. Brushing the feathery foliage releases a very spicy, citrus smell. I love it--but it does not appeal to everyone. The CC Daisy begins blooming around the first of November, and like Texas Tarragon, blooms until frost.

I have enjoyed the look of this plant all summer, but now that it almost in full bloom--I am in
LOVE! Both plants work well cut and used as fillers in fall bouquets inside. (especially with asters and spires of Mexican Bush Sage.) Unfortunately however, both plants die back completely over winter, but as soon as it starts to warm up in spring you will see new growth begin. If you need a little autumn gold in your garden, you might consider these two. They never fail to brighten dull autumn days for me!