Susie from
Digging in the Dirt has tagged me! Here are the rules to this tag: open a document or file folder, click on the fifth folder and then the fifth photo. Post the photo and describe it.

Here is what I found! This was taken at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin last spring. Don't these cute turtles look like they are having a pretty good day just laying out in the sun!
I am suppose to tag other bloggers, but I know not everyone likes to participate in these so please do not feel obligated:
Liz from
jenningsjunkJoy from
Gardenjoy4MeCindee from
Cindee's GardenHope you find a surprise checking that 5th folder like I did!
I think everyone has enjoyed this tag because just about everyone's pictures are sunny and warm looking. Those little turtles are cute. They were definitely enjoying the sunshine.
What a nice surprise. Those turtles sure look happy sunbathing! :)
Thanks for inviting me to play Susie. It was such a treat to find these turtles as my picture!
Racquel, I wouldn't mind sunbathing on a rock on a warm afternoon! :) Aren't the turtles cute!
MT .. you naughty girl you !!
I normally excuse myself from these things but I'll dip my toe in just this once .. the picture I came across is non garden or wildlife related (in other words "boring")but I'll stick to the 5th Element !
I do love those turtles you found .. I had a pet turtle as a kid and never forgot him or that turtle smell : )
That is a really pretty picture of the little guys sunning themselves. What fun!
FUN FUN FUN -- I remember the turtles!!! and I love seeing them again. Ok, I'm in and I've posted my tag photo...this was fun and I'm glad you included me!!!!!
That is a cute picture(-: Let me see what is in my fifth folder...LOL
GardenJoy--your picture and story was anything BUT boring! A beautiful cabinet and love the story that went with it.
Thanks for playing and sharing this with us!
I love the cute picture too Tina. The turtles were causing quite a stir at LBJ Wildflower Center that day! They seemed to enjoy being the center of attention! :)
jj--that picture of your Dad is great! I'm glad you found something so special--wish I had pictures on my computer from long ago. Mine are all recent.
Thanks for playing!
Hi cindee--can't wait to see what
5th picture you find in folder #5!
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