I thought it would pass us by, but we got hit with the ice storm! At 10:00 last night it was still just rain with temps around 33, but overnight look what happened!

When my clock radio came on this morning at 5:45 the first thing I heard was "and Garland schools are closed." What? I went to look out the window and this is what I saw!

There could have been a little bit of snow, but this is mainly ice.

And the tempera-
ture was 21 degrees! The street in front of my houses looks like it contains
"black ice" which I think is the most dangerous. Hopefully folks will stay home if they can until it starts to melt.

I refilled the bird feeders and it wasn't long before my little friends stopped by for breakfast.
It's now 8:00 and the sun is coming out. The ice should start to melt around noon. So, day off for me. What shall I do??? Think I'll sit by the fire, drink another cup of coffee..and later I'll make gingerbread!
Stay warm everyone!
A yucky day in most parts of the country! We've just been getting alot of rain. Today it is in the 60's and it will go back down to 40tomorrow. :( Enjoy your day off!
Poor Tina at In The Garden..did you see her post? It's not bad like that at all here, just bad roads although both of my sons reported in that they got to work ok. Yes, I will enjoy a day off!
Same thing here; we are having half an ice day; hubby's staying home until 11am. I remember all the years I drove in this crap to get to work; than heavens I can stay home and pull the covers up around my ears now!
Nola--watching the news, the roads look terrible. A lot worse than I can tell from my house! Glad you are home and hubby is going in late. My sons work downtown Dallas and both got to work ok. My hubby is working from home today. I want spring!!! :)
Yikes! I am having flashbacks! Wait a minute-it's reality-ahhhhhh! All kidding aside, I know the pain but so enjoy the no school days. The temp here has dropped 5 degrees since 7 am! Bodes bad for everyone. The roads are seriously iced but fortunately, most of the ice on the trees melted prior to the cold coming back. Strange weather we are having as it got warmer last night! Too late for several trees (not mine). Do take care and stay warmest. Spring is near....believe it or not. hugs, tina
Sounds like a lovely way to spend the day Linda.
I just spoke to my family in N.E. Arkansas and they say it looks like a war zone there. Power is out and trees/limbs are down everywhere. Plus everyone is out looking for gas. It sounds really bad. My sis is out taking pictures to post but who knows when that will be with electricity/cable out.
Tina, I have cranberry orange bread in the oven, a fire going, potato soup for lunch planned, and gingerbread baking this afternoon. I have read 2 chapters in the latest Susan Albert cottage tales, and worked on my latest cross stitch. Life isn't too bad! :)
Susie-here I am having a nice day off and your poor family! Please know when I read this I immediately said a prayer for your family plus all in that area. Please keep us updated...my hearts go out to them!
Hugs, Linda
I'm coming to your house for lunch!! I can smell the bread from here-must be getting close:)
Your post wonderful as always and I love your pictures! I really like the next to the last picture and pointed that out when I linked to your post for today. You are so much better than me, I didn't brave going outdoors and took all my pictures through the windows.
Ummmmm, Tina that bread is GOOD!!
Wish you were here! :)
Your pictures were good jj! You don't need to be going outside until you are back to yourself!
Loved our day off!
Yum,, gingerbread! Hope you had a nice day at home. Bet you read yourself some blogs and stayed warm. Ice here too. Looks so strange to see the flowers frozen in time...
Glad you didn't have to travel out in that ice. I can't imagine. Sounds pretty dangerous. I am glad your bird friends were there to enjoy a nice meal(-:
It was not as bad here as it seemed to be at your place, nola, and brenda's. I was actually able to drive to work at 11:30. There was a layer of ice on my windshield, but the streets were dry.
Brenda, yum is right! I love warm gingerbread with butter--and what a perfect day for it!
Cindee--by afternoon the ice was pretty much gone thank goodness. I do not like to try and drive on ice!
Debbi-the roads started to clear in the afternoon, but it sure was cold! Yuk!!
I can tell you can't wait until spring. Yesterday was good for one thing ... staying inside. I was glad to have the day to stay in and sleep/hibernate (like a bear).
And I thought you would be reading all day mr!! Glad you enjoyed the day off too!
It is so cozy to be home on a day like that. Baking, reading, and cross stitching with your feet up by the fire must have been an unexpected and relaxing day.
northenshade--it was very unexpected! Texas closes down the minute there is a sheet of ice on the roads. We just don't know how to drive on it, and I think the schools and everyone else thinks it's much safer for us to just stay home! :)
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