There was much to do this pretty Sunday afternoon. As soon as we got home from church I changed clothes and headed to the yard to clean out some beds and plant some seeds.
This cosmos was leggy and I was tired of looking at it. Plus I was ready to plant California Poppy seeds This was easy..just pull them up, prepare the bed with my trowel, and scatter the seeds.

How easy was that. I scattered a few more poppy seeds around in other areas, pulled up the
blackfoot daisies and I was ready to move on.

This is the bed I am re-doing. It's along side of the garage and driveway. No problems... I'll just pull up the zinnias and cut back the
lantana, then dig up the rest. Uh-huh..sure, easy..NOT!!
I did fine until I got to the "dig up the rest" part.

I knew the
lantana had been here since the beginning of time, but no worries..ha!
I just know the neighbors were beginning to watch as I started with a short shovel, then went and got the tall sharp shooter shovel. I am right under 5'2, and it's not easy using this shovel and I'm sure pretty funny to watch.
These roots were big too! I dug and dug praying the entire time "Lord, please don't let me hit the sprinkler system!"
I finally heard a crack, so I put down the shovel and started to push back and forth on the now exposed roots.

Another crack, and I pulled with all my might...and the roots let loose... and I flew backwards!! I know the neighbors were really laughing by this time, but I got up and did what any garden blogger would do.
I went and got my camera so I could take a picture!

I think re-doing this bed is going to take a little longer that I thought!
"There is not a spot of ground, however arid, bare or ugly, that cannot be tamed!"Gertrude Jekyll