The UPS man just pulled up out front. Hubby went out to see what "we" ordered and brought me this very familiar box. My wildflower seeds are here!!

I got my catalog out last week and decided what seeds I will try for spring blooms and called the order in. Here in the Dallas area, most wildflower seeds will need to be "scattered" around the middle of September to early October. I should have some plants that re-seed from this past year, but I always like to plant more seeds each fall just to assure flowers. And, I also like to buy something new to try as well.

These are the seeds I ordered:
Bluebonnets (of course!)
Texas Paintbrush
Ox-Eyed Daisy
Wine Cup
Dwarf Red Coreopsis
Lemon Mint
Ladybird Dwarf Cosmos
Standing Cypress
Of course all I can do right now is look at the seed packets, but this time next month I will be getting ready to throw out those seeds! I can't wait--hurry September!!
"To own a bit of ground, to scratch it with a hoe, to plant seeds and watch their renewal of life--this is the commonest delight of the race, the most satisfactory thing..one can do."Charles Dudley Warner
Ooooh, what fun! I love it when seeds come in the mail! It's like Christmas!
meemsnyc--I know!! I was so excited when hubby brought in that box! I ordered bulbs too, but they won't come until October. (I have to chill them 6 weeks before planting) And I am starting to collect seeds from exsisting plants right now too. Sooo much fun! :)
Just like Christmas indeed-oh the possibilities...
Tina-it is so refreshing to think about a spring garden right now. I know you have heard about our consistent 100 degree days, and it's nice to have something to look forward to when this heat breaks!
Very EXCITING!! I'm looking forward to watching your garden grow ;D
Do you do anything to prepare your soil before planting the seeds? I've been thinking about doing this.
JJ--I know--it's so exciting!!!
Susie, wildflowers need to "touch the dirt." So...I just rake the dirt with a iron rake and scatter the seeds, then rake over with a regular hoe, then sprinkle water in. The seeds are small, so you have to be careful not to wash them away. Here in Texas, wildflowers will grow in just about any soil. I have clay and at one time added peat moss to the bed they are in, but that was a long time ago. I now know how to amend clay soil, but hate to distrub the seeds from this year to do that, so I just leave it as is. Wildflowers also need good drainage, so a raised bed helps, which is what I did. I love wildlflowers. They don't seem to mind the heat and drought conditions, although you must water them at the beginning. Find out the best flowers for your area and start with them. Do you grow cosmos? I bet they grow there and I have seeds if you want some. Let me know what you find out and I will see if I have any seeds I could send you! :)
Hooray for wildflowers, sounds like a great assortment you ordered! I wish I could get the Texas bluebonnets to grow here, but I've never had any luck with them in Virginia. I've decided to try my hand at fall sowing this year of annuals. :)
It is always fun when the truck arrives with a package! Kind of like a child at Christmas opening up that box. Have fun scattering...
Racquel--bluebonnets are a type of lupine. I bet there is a variety you could grow there. I can't wait to sow the seeds--and I really can't wait for the weather to cool off!! :)
Skeeter, I was so excited when hubby handed me that box! Just like a kid at Christmas!
Hey, I have ruellia seeds if you want some. Just let me know:
The title of todays blog definitely gets the attention - had to check it out. I'm not surprised you were looking forward to some more seeds ... and the flowers that will come from them soon. ENJOY THEM!!!
MR--I will enjoy planting the seeds almost as much as the blooms! :) So good to hear from you!!!
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