Lots of garden bloggers post on their
"flower of the week" or
"flower of the month." I don't have enough variety in my garden to choose a flower that often, but I do have a "flower of the season"-my flower of summer is Rudbeckia (goldstrum). I started out many years ago with about 3 plants that I planted along the street side of my house. Every spring I divide..and divide..and divide.

I have these beautiful black-eyed Susans everywhere These are on the west side of the backyard..

..and these run along the east side. My Susans are happy anywhere I put them. I now have a few pockets of flowers in front. It didn't take the transplants very long to grow and bloom.

And Rudbeckia make great cutting flowers. I have little bouquets all over..some are mixed in with other flowers..

As long as I can I have a bouquet of flowers on my kitchen table. They last a long time inside if you change the water everyday. What a joy it is to walk in every morning and see these happy flowers waiting for you!

The original flowers are still on the side of the house. I couldn't recommend these flowers more. They are heat and drought tolerant-which is very important in these hot and humid summer months. I only water them occasionally, and the flowers in back get the hot, hot west sun all afternoon and never complain--ever!! And, they are so pretty and bright! It makes my summer complete when they start to bloom!
I have often wondered: if I could only keep one plant..no more..what would it be? I love my spring bluebonnets, but I think my choice would have to be these Rudbeckias--my favorite flower of summer!
So..do you have a favorite summer flower?
It's amazing how something that looks so fragile can be so strong against the heat of summer. Great pictures!!
WOW! You only started with 3 plants and now you have all that? Amazing! I just bought seeds, so I can't wait to try growing black-eyed susans! How do you separate and replant them?
Thanks JJ. I am always amazed at how the Susans handle summer!
Meemsnyc--3 plants many years ago! :) Here the plants keep their rosettes all winter. In spring, just when they start to grow, I pull up the individual plants and pot them in containers for friends or plant them in my garden. I have given so many friends starts of these. I love to share them!
They are such an awesome flower of of Summer! You couldn't have chosen better. I love love love the look of them alongside your home!
Sometimes I think my Rudbeckias so common and unremarkable, but you've helped me see them in a new light.
Everything you said about them is true! And I'm very thankful for them right now since I haven't the inclination or energy in this heat to care for more finicky flowers!
Lovely photos!
Thanks Tina. I guess the Rudbeckia are the flowers I have had the longest, and also my favorites. They are so happy with any condition, bless their hearts!
Hi Rebecca! It is so hot and not much fun gardening right now, but every morning I look out and see the Rudbeckia's bright and happy faces. They add such color to my rather tired yard. I would not want to garden without them! :)
Thanks for your sweet comment!
I agree, these are almost the perfect flower. So bright and so carefree and they do multiply quickly so they can be moved and shared. I would never have a garden without them.
They are indeed awesome flowers arent they? IF nothing else will grow in my garden for me, the Susan's never fail. They are a wonderful flower and I would love to bring them into the house such as you but my kitties would eat them up as quickly as I could bring them inside. Grrrrrr, bad kitties...
Great choice and you have given me incentive to devide and spread mine out for better viewing...
Marnie-sounds like lots of gardeners feel the same way I do about the Susans. I agree with you, no garden is complete without some.
Skeeter, they do so well transplanted in early spring. All my friends have blooms the same year. I may be overdoing it, but I have some in almost every bed now. That color just makes me happy!
That is a great plant. You just can't beat it. It has all the great qualities that we gardeners want and need.
Absolutely Susie! And in this heat and drought, we need a plant like this! I so wish it would rain.
I always think of you when I see my Rudbeckia blooming every summer. :)
Love those flowers. I need to get some for my gardens.
Awwww Racquel, that is sweet of you to say. I love those bluebonnets, but these Rudbeckia are my all time favorite flower.
Lola--if you don't have any, you need to get some! They are so heat tolerant and live on very little water as well. You will really like their bright and happy face too. :)
Well, Rudbeckia is ONE of my favorites, but I guess I'd put echinacea at the top of the list. Love them!
Robin-I love coneflowers too. Do your still look good? Mine look pretty spent right now. They sure are pretty doing bloom time, and oh they smell so good! Good choice!
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