Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Bath Time!


JenningsJunk said...

AMAZING pictures!! LOVE IT!! such a beautiful scene with the red cardinal against the bluebonnets.

Susie said...

Don't you just love those birds!?!

Your bluebonnets are looking wonderful! Pretty pics Linda!

misterreereeder said...

FANTASTIC PICS!!! Smile you're on canc=did camera. What a ham!!!

Nola said...

Wow, what great photos! Your bluebonnets were spectacular! It's so sad to see them fade.

Chandramouli S said...

What could be more pleasing than watching our winged friends take delight in our garden! Lovely shots!

Roses and Lilacs said...

What beautiful pictures. A wonderful, sunny day to bathe among the flowers.

tina said...

That is too sweet! I just love bathing birds.

Meadowview Thymes said...

Glad you all liked the bathing cardinal. My hubby took these pictures one day last week while I was at work. I was surprised when I downloaded pics from the camera to see these..and just had to share them.
The bluebonnets have been unbelievable--but sadly they are now going to seed. I sure hate to see them go!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

What great pictures. I love the flowers around the birdbath too.

Lola said...

Love it. I have a couple of Red Birds, I believe to be a pair. I say my first Blue Bird in my garden the other day. I've got to provide a house for them.

Meadowview Thymes said...

Catherine--thanks! We love to sit at the table and watch the birds bath. Those blue flowers are bluebonnets. They have been sooo pretty, but are now starting to go to seed.

Lola--I think our cardinals are a couple too, as are the jays that visit. The only blue birds I see are barn swallows. They were trying to find a place to nest.

Anonymous said...

How cute is that! ;) I have that same birdbath too. lol

Cindy, MCOK said...

Ack, that reminds me, I need to put out seeds for my cardinals! My bluebonnets are going to seed, too. It's going to be summer in a matter of days, I fear.

Meadowview Thymes said...

Cindy, it's so sad to see the bonnets now. I wish they lasted longer! I need to decide what to plant around that tree now.

Racquel--I love watching the birds. We can see this bed with the birdbath from our breakfast room window.