I have been looking forward to "Pansy Saturday" for a long time! I headed to my favorite garden center early Saturday morning and filled the back of my SUV full of sweet smelling pansies! Do ya think I bought enough?

I usually plant pansies in front..all along both sides of the front flower beds, grouping them on either side of the entrance.

They always look so sparse when I first plant, but I know in early spring, they will be beautiful.

I bought one flat of cute little violas. A few go in the containers on either side of the porch. The remaining flowers will be planted in an old bucket on the flagstone patio next week some time.

The pansies were on sale, and who can resist a sale..so I bought enough to plant some in back. I thought a few would be pretty around the pond.

On a bleak winter day it will be nice to look out and see a little color around the rocks.

I filled 2 old baskets with a few remaining flowers and proceeded to plant the wheel-
barrow. I hated to take out the coleus and sweet potato vine, but I wanted to get it done before we get our first freeze.

I never cease to be amazed to see the "potato" when I dig up the sweet potato vine. Wonder if I could save these and start a new plant? Anyone know?

I always enjoy planting the wheel-
barrow. It is one of my favorite old
"treasures" in the garden. I mixed in 2 different types of ornamental kale and a birdhouse along with the pansies in this container.
When I plant pansies each fall, I use a combination of bone meal and blood meal as I plant..and I add a small sprinkle of fertilizer as well. Just like to give them a boost.
So I can check planting pansies off my list of things to do.
Next weekend's project: Bulbs!!!