Monday, August 4, 2008

An award....for me?

After a very hot and tiring weekend, I check comments and find one from my friend The Perennial Gardener Lover. She has nominated me for this Brilliant Blog award! Wow! I am so excited and honored. I am suppose to add this award to my sidebar, then, I can nominate other bloggers for this award. I think every blog I read is wonderful, but these are the bloggers I would like to nominate:


misterreeders mystery discussion

barbee's blog

from my corner of katy

I will let all of these bloggers know...they all have wonderful blogs for you to visit.

Thank you soooooo much Perennial Gardener! You have made me a very, very happy blogger!


Barbee' said...

Linda! What a nice surprise!! I had been dragging around all day and not accomplishing much (other than an eye doc. appointment which I can cross off my list), and suddenly here is your sweet surpise waiting for me. I am so glad I checked my Blotanical messages. Thank You! Now I want to go visit the other blogs you listed. Your blog is very, very much deserving. I am glad you were awarded.

Anonymous said...

You are very welcome Linda. Believe me you deserve it, your blog is great and you have been a great blogging friend! :)

Meadowview Thymes said...

Barbee, glad I could do something for you! You have been so sweet and helpful for the past 2 months. I don't know what I would have done without you and Perennial Gardener. Wish we could all go have a cup of coffee and walk a garden together someplace beautiful and cool!

Perennial Gardener--read above and enjoy that cup of coffee with us touring a beautiful garden. Even if only in our dreams! : )

JenningsJunk said...

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much and on my birthday weekend too :-)

Meadowview Thymes said...

jenningsjunk--you are so very welcome! You know how I love your blog! Happy Birthday!!

misterreereeder said...

Why thanks Linda. I appreciate that you enjoy my blog. I like looking at and reading your blog as well. You have so much interesting information, pictures, and thoughts. Again thanks.