What a mess! I'm afraid with all the Christmas things to do I have been very
negligent on taking care of the yard. Leaves are everywhere!

The pond net is still up....

..and my potting area is a disaster. I put away Christmas and cleaned house yesterday, so today was the day to spend in the yard. And it turned out to be a perfect day to be outside--the temperature was in the low 70's!

I started by raking, and raking, and raking leaves to big piles around the back yard. Part of these go into the compost bin, part into recycled bags for pick up. I cleaned out flower beds and emptied pots full of dead plants. Hubby was in front taking care of the front yard. He raked, then mowed. The front yard really looked nice-still has some green color. We took down the pond net and I cleaned leaves around the beds surrounding the pond. I always leave a few leaves for protection in flower beds, in fact, I did not rake the wildflower bed. You can see it in the background. I think it helps protect the bluebonnets should we get some really cold weather.

I planted pansies in the old chair,

and added a few more pansies to the wheel-
barrow. (you can never have too many pansies-right?)

I put a birdhouse, watering can and cute bunny in the wheel-
barrow as well. Can ya tell I am wishing for spring?

It was a tiring day, but it felt so good to get back outside and get my hands dirty! I know there will be more leaves to rake, and more beds to clean, but for now, I have a clean potting bench ready and waiting, cleaned out flower beds, and a yards with now only a few leaves.

The pond net is down, and the patio is ready for us to enjoy any nice winter days that might come our way.
What did you do today?