It has been a busy weekend in the garden for me. I took the day off last Friday to spend working in my Mother's garden. My Mother is amazing..she is 79 years "young" and works in her yard just about everyday. But I really like to go over and help her with things in the spring and fall. Friday was the day to clean out beds and plant new flowers.
We started in the front. I cleaned out the area around her bird bath leaving the purple heart where it was, and trimming the dusty miller back.

This is a close up of what she picked out to put in front of the birdbath.

For Mother's Day I got her these hanging baskets that look really good hanging in front of this window.

This is a mixed planter we found at one of the garden centers we went to on Friday morning.

This scaveola
"Fan Flower" is one of Mother's very favorite plants. We get her one every spring, but I think the one we found this year is the prettiest she has ever had!

We always get several pentas for her front flower bed. This year she got some for the backyard too.

And..here is Mother's backyard. This long flower bed in front of the lawn has housed many plants. At one time it was the most beautiful rose garden. Now it is home to perennials. I did not do anything here-Mother takes care of this bed all by herself. I think this is her favorite, although she loves all her areas.

And now..
Mother asks for your help. Several years ago, a bird left her a gift. We have no idea what it is, but it is a very special plant as it reappears every spring. It is the most beautiful "cornflower" blue. This year she thought it was not going to come back..but not only did it come back in the original container..

..it also started growing in her perennial bed right beside the California poppies! Mother would love to know what this is. I thought it was a wild phlox, but she doesn't think so. So, what is this? I bet someone out there knows!
Mother has taught me so much about gardening through out the years. It is really nice to be able to help her now..and sometimes add a tip or two of my own!
"I'm still devoted to the garden..although an old man, I am but a young gardener."
Thomas Jefferson