Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's Spring!

Don't you just love spring! I do, but here in Texas it's spring one day, and late winter the next. It's cool and damp today--not the pretty bright Spring Day we all enjoy. However, it's really nice to look out on a dreary day and see the trees in their spring green attire, and the spring flowers adding such vivid color to this otherwise gray day. Oh pretty they are! The birds don't seem to mind the change in weather. They are still singing away and checking out the birdhouses in my backyard. So on this cool overcast day, I will put on a sweater and go outside. I will pull a few weeds, dead-head a few pansies..and enjoy the hidden beauty in a "dreary" spring day!

1 comment:

JenningsJunk said...

Your pansies have breathtaking color. They are definitly a bright spot on this cloudy "Spring" day.