It's been a while...like a month...so where in the world have I been? Just busy..life gets so busy these days. Why didn't someone tell me retirement is BUSY! Actually, you know the Master Gardener program I am in requires 72 hours of volunteer work after the class is complete. I have been working pretty non stop on getting those hours-and....drum roll please...I am done! Of course I will continue to work, but probably not quite as much as these last few months. So let me show you some things that started to bloom in my garden..like these beautiful clasping coneflowers. They are just swaying in the breeze these days.

And the wheel-
barrow is full of color...

This is my new love... Texas Primrose
"Sun Drops." Love it, love it!

Rock Rose is looking rather..well, "rosy" these days!

Remember the new window box? Here it is today. Ummmm..

The Larkspurs started to bloom and have been really pretty. They are such sweet flowers.

The wildflower bed has been...yep..
wild ! Love the cottage look in this bed. The bluebonnets have been gone for some time, but the coreopsis are making up for the loss. Indian Paintbrush are still blooming and blackfoot daisies are trying hard to handle all our recent rain.

With the coming of spring..and thinking about summer I have come to an important decision. You know I love the 2 little beds along the flagstone walkway. I plant bulbs, pansies, then any other annual that gives me a pop of color--and I do this every year. After much thought I have decided I will not plant annuals in these beds any longer.

These beds get great sun and I think I can find enough perennials that love our summer heat to keep the beds full. The only annual in the beds right now is Angelonia. Just had to get them-they are one of the best annuals you can have. Other than that, I have coreopsis, several different salvias, blanket flower, lavender, rudbeckia, wine cup and coneflowers. I plan on tossing poppy seeds in fall--and maybe a few other wildflower seeds. The geranium is one I keep over every winter and since it is not too big I will continue to try and hold on to it.

I think I will probably fill a couple of containers with violas and add a hanging basket (I had such good luck with this one), but it's time to stop the madness and concentrate on things that will return.
Yes, flowers are blooming, birds are singing and butterflies are happy flying about. My garden is my "happy place." It is not large, but at times it is almost magical. I find peace and serenity in this space. I solve problems in the garden, and sometimes create problems in the garden! :) I start my days here, and I end my days here. I hope you find this contentment in your garden as well.
"The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth.One is nearer God's heart in a garden, than anywhere else on earth!"Dorothy Gurney