Remember these-my 2 beautiful window boxes? Well--they fell apart! Of course the cold weather made it impossible to keep plants in the winter, but this year the boxes literally went to pieces. Time for something new!

My wonderful hubby made the last boxes and was eager to make something new, but this time he decided to make one box-and NOT attach it to the house. Making the box was easy, deciding what to do about legs was the tough part. We looked and looked and decided to buy these rustic plant stands and just sit the box on top of them. You know how I love the old rusty look anyway, so I thought it was a perfect idea, but hubby is not 100% pleased so the legs may end up changing eventually. The box is made out of cedar, so it will age and get that old seasoned look that I love.

I went to Lowe's and Home Depot yesterday for mulch, so I decided to buy a few things for the new window box. (yes, I know we will probably get another freeze, but I can easily cover the plants!) I planted coleus, creeping jenny, begonia, dusty miller, and added a few sprigs from a green wandering jew. The box is far from complete, as I will add a few things here and there, but at least it is a start.

My sister gave me the cutest herb markers for my birthday last fall, and even though I can't grow herbs in this box (too shady) I thought I would add the markers for some whimsy.


Parsley... These markers may move to the herb garden later in the spring, but for now they look pretty happy here in the new window box. The cost of the new box was very minimal, just 3 boards and the plants stands which I found at an import store--the labor and love that went into making it------
priceless !!! Thanks hubby!
WOW! those boxes are amazing - I'll be showing my guys before showing my mom just in case she wants something like that :-) The markers are so cool and how nice to be able to see them both outside and from the window inside.
JJ--I think the reason I like window boxes so well is because you can see them from inside as well as out! Especially when the plants get big...grow..grow little guys! :)
Very nice.
That is one adorable and well made window box Linda! Don't you just love having a handy hubby? :) I know mine has been quite helpful to me throughout the years by encouring my garden obsession. lol ;)
What a gorgeous window box he made! I love the plant markers too. So cute.
Debbi--thanks, I think so too!
Racquel--lol, yes hubby is really help although I know he hates it when I say.."you know what would be nice...." He never knows where that will take him! :)
meemsync--thanks. The window box is very rustic, but that is exactly what I like!
I tried to make a box once; I couldn't even build a box! How pathetic is that?! You are lucky to have married a talented and handy man.
Love it(-: The plant markers are really cute too(-:
Barbee--yes I think I will keep hubby! :) He likes to build a few things now and then, and it sure is nice for me!
Thanks Cindee--hopefully the plants will fill before too long. I love the markers too, although I don't think they will live forever in the window boxes. I would really like to put them with the herbs.
Came out really well. Though I am not a fan of non-flowering plants, looking at your window box makes me think twice about my thought.
Very sweet of hubby to make you new window boxes. The herb markers are cute indeed!
Chandramouli--the box is in such a shady area I don't have too many options for blooms--so I added begonias to try this year. Hopefully that will give me some texture. But, I do like greens. I think the key to no blooms is texture along with different shades.
Thanks Tina. Hubby is without a dobut a sweetie. He is always so much help--like Mr Fix It! :)
The window box is beautiful so kudos to hubby! The herb markers are so clever and such a great gardeners gift. Ah, note to self, be on the look out for old hand shovels at flea markets and yard sales!!!
Thanks Skeeter! You are right--old spades would make great plant markers. I like the makers that Tina has made too. Wish I had one of those things that did imprints.
I am so glad the little herb markers worked in the window box ! I can't wait to plant some herbs in the cute labeled pots you gave me for my birthday!
Your sister(Kim)
The new planter will be as lovely as the old one in no time at all; you are so lucky to have a talented hubby. Those herb garden markers are just too precious! If I could paint, I'd make some like that!
Kim--they do look cute, but when I get my little herb garden back in shape, I may move them. This is certainly the "thyme" of year to plant herbs in your pots! Love Spring!!!
Hello Nola!!! How have you been? Thanks for the compliment on the window box. I really like having one big box instead of 2!!
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