The first thing I did after deciding which seeds to plant is make plant markers out of popsicle sticks. I have such a hard time remembering what I plant where..these work great as little reminders.
Trading seeds is so much fun. I have little seed packets from Racquel the Perennial Garden Lover, and Tina from In The Garden. Three of my friends from work have given me seeds (thank you Carlina, Mary and Pat!) One of the best parts of gardening is sharing what you love with other gardeners.
I planted mexican hat and clasping coneflowers in the wildflower garden, and forget-me-nots in the back bed that gets some shade.
I watered them in and thought good thoughts about each one! (you talk to your plants too, don't you!)
My seed box is still full of seeds I will plant later in the spring-we are never done are we? There will always be another seed to plant, another flower to grow. I LOVE gardening!!
"This very act of planting a seed in the earth has in it to me something beautiful. I always do it with a joy that is largely mixed with awe!"
Celia Thaxter
Linda, you sound so happy! And I don't blame you since you were able to plant and go thru your seeds. I must go thru mine soon. Sigh. You are right-the job is never done. I hope all of your seeds grow to the sun and I am happy to share with you. I even recognize my little handwriting (sloppy) on a seed packet. Happy gardening to you! And any seeds you see on my blog, just email me and I'll send you some:)
Looks like you had a productive day in the garden planting your seeds. Can't wait till they germinate for you! I'm going to wait a bit more before I direct sow mine into the garden. Our last frost day is somewhere between the 10th & 15th of April. :)
I LOVE hearing and seeing and watching you gardening. You were busy busy busy. Glad it was the good kind of busy.
I had fun Tina! Thanks for all the seeds! I hope they all do well. I am somewhat concerned as I saw the long range forecast for next week. It is suppose to get close to freezing one night--do you think that will hurt them??
Racquel, I had a great day planting seeds. my comment to Tina. I am worried about the weather now. We usually have our last freeze in March, and now they are prediciting a low of 35 one night next week....gee, I hope everything will be ok! :)
jj--Saturday was my kind of busy! I love to plant, then watch the seeds grow. It is so rewarding!
No, I don't think so as long as they are not up yet. I hope not too!
I agree with JJ. It looks like you were busy ... and having fun. "If you always do what interests you, at least one person is pleased.” - Katharen Hepburn
Girl, I talk to the plants. I talk to myself. I talk to inanimate objects. My neighbor says that's why my garden grows. I think it's just a sign of early senility.
You know I talk to mine too Linda! A little kindness goes a long way. I have Mexican Hat growing in my garden right now. It never did really die down during the winter. Of course, tomorrow night it is suppose to get to 33 degrees so that might happen.
I have sunflower seedlings coming up that I am so excited about. I also have some perennial hibiscus seedlings coming up too. It's so fun isn't it?!?!?
Thanks Tina. I am not going to worry!
mr--ohhhh, love the quote!!! And, I was pleased! :)
Brenda, I talk to plants, animals and myself--and--I answer myself! Well..nothing wrong with that, right?? :)
Susie, you have great things in your garden! I was waiting to plant sunflower seeds until it got lots warmer..can I plant them now?
Linda, I've got all sorts of seeds I could share with you! You can never have enough, right? Seriously, how about some Engelmann's Daisies? Blue Eupatorium? Liatris?
You'll be okay, nothing's up yet, so the freeze shouldn't hurt it, just slow things down a bit, since the soil will be so cool.
If you want some hot pink 4 o'clock seed, email me at the address on my profile page and send me your address, I'll send you some. I had quite a harvest of seed from mine last year.
Hi Cindy..really..englemann daisies and liatris (gay feather, right?)--I would LOVE some! Do you have your email on your blog?
Nola bet I would like pink 4 o'clocks. Tina gave me some yellow. I thought I would try and plant them close to the patio since I am outside so much in the evening. I love the sweet smell. I'll send you an email!
Thanks so much!!
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