We love to feed the birds....winter, summer, spring and fall! It is such a pleasure to sit every morning with coffee in hand watching all our fine feathered friends fly about our yard. Except...oh the mess the
bird feeders make!
Can you see all the seed on the ground? When the rains came and warmer weather followed, the seeds germinated and in came the
W E E D S !
As you can see, the seed is thick. Part of the problem is that the pesky squirrels dump the seed out of the tubular feeders trying to get a snack. But--I can't blame them totally because the sparrows are the other problem. They must be really picky eaters. We watch them scatter the seed looking for their favorite. Kind of like digging through a bag of chocolate searching for the one you like I suppose. But, this kind gardener had grown very tired of a constant bird seed mess. Ugh. So...two of the feeders came down (there is plenty to eat now anyway) and the area was cleared out. I dug out the top layer of soil which was nothing but layers of seed, and put down newspaper, then topsoil. Then I took some of our left over flagstone and covered the soil, then topped it off with mulch. It looks so much better!
I added some flagstone on top so we could step in the garden to fill the one remaining feeder that sits at the top of the black pole you can see in this picture.
I then added two blackfoot daisies and a Rudbeckia (Prarie Sun) to the new area. I hated to pull out all the clasping coneflowers, but they were going to seed anyway and the wind was making them fall over which made this bed look even worse.
I am really pleased with the clean up job. We are still feeding birds, but the tubular feeders are gone, so the squirrels are not able to dump seed on the ground. The birds still flick unwanted seed, and yes, I know the seed will germinate in the mulch, but it is less seed with one feeder, and easier to dig out since the mulch is on top of stone. I know they make birdseed that will not germinate, but I have also heard it is quite pricey and does not attract lots of birds. If anyone has experience with this seed, I would sure love to hear about it. For now we will continue our morning ritual, coffee and bird watching--but I sure wish I could rid that area completely of birdseed weeds!